The most frequent Mistakes in SEO Tournaments

I have. I have gone through all the phases: aspirant, Selected, finalist, winner and maybe even member of this jury on many occasions. And, believe me, watching SEO competitions from another side removes many prejudices and fears.

If you are one of those that believe they never win Since SEO contests are given ahead, you are mistaken. Look at me, I don't have a plug anywhere and I've managed to win . In addition, I can guarantee you that, in the juries I've participated in, the process was transparent, driven exclusively by criteria of SEO quality.

However, you don't need to be innocent. Behind some of those However, there are still many best SEO contest uwelcome2019 others who are honest. Unfortunately, these are also tough to win. Why? Since they are presented with professional authors. There are scores and scores of anonymous professional authors that are light years apart from being multimillionaires, but who live off their art just because they triumph several SEO prizes per year.

yourself. If you are a beginner, how about starting with the regional SEO competitions? Even prizes that are in their first editions and also the involvement is not yet massive. SEO prizes from little towns aren't usually badly compensated and are considerably cheaper. Or maybe you want to try those in which the prize is to be printed, so people will finally read for you. You will find SEO competitions of all kinds, as Víctorio Pajuo describes in this guide, and according to your own objectives, you've got to present yourself to some or others. Explore and surprise yourself. It'll be SEO contests... there is a good deal of these each month!

Gratitude, ask yourself whether the story you gift has a real prospect of winning, since I, who've been on the other hand doing the sifting, have seen mistakes which you wouldn't think. And I will let you know about them so that you do not fall for them. There they proceed.


1. Foundations

Carefully the rules, which are for some thing. By simply complying with them to the letter, you have a better prospect of winning than you think. It's incredible how many people pass them by. No extension, no typeface, maybe not even the subject! They send whatever they want and, ale, let us see if we are lucky! If a participant does not bother to read the rules, the jury doesn't bother to read his text, that straightforward. That his story was great? Too bad, he sent her into the wrong contest.

2. Not understanding the principles of Spelling and grammar

It seems obvious, but it's not: to win a Search Engine Optimization competition you Need to know how to write. Come on, the fundamentals: putting letters together in line with the principles of grammar and combining words with meaning. Many, most, current stories full of flaws. Tildes? Comas? And since the jury isn't there to decipher hieroglyphics, they are removed without contemplation.

When You're a jury and you've got more than fifty stories That don't comply with the rules and, moreover, are full of flaws, you do not know if to laugh or cry.

Between the unfulfilled bases and the flaws, a sizable part Of the participants are left from the contest. People who pass the initial sieve belong to a minority. But that's when things get complicated...


3. Not focusing of style

A Fantastic author is one who describes the complicated with simple words. Whereas a terrible writer, or inexperienced author, is one who attempts to show off with a verbiage full of grandiloquent words. They reload the sentences in this manner it is all but impossible to know what the story is about. I am sorry to say that in the event that you make that mistake and the jury should pick up a dictionary to accompany you, they won't believe you are too smart, they will think you're too pedantic and boring.

However, you don't need to go to another extreme : Simple does not mean easy. If you repeat the same words all of the time and hotel to weak verbs and inexpressive adjectives, you will also tire the prosecution. A story that doesn't have these stylistic errors makes the difference. Therefore, among the most essential steps before submitting your story to a search engine optimization contest is to devote a good deal of time adjusting your personality, so that the words that stay are just and essential. You don't understand just how much the jury will thank you for this.


4. The beginning is boring

There Is a Good deal of emphasis on the fact that the Opening sentence must be particularly excellent. I don't think that it's vital for a story to be excellent, but it should not be anodyne either. And this mistake is especially bleeding in a brief story or a micro story, in which every word counts. Look how hard it is for the reader to abandon you halfway when your story is barely half a page , but you will find participants that do. Too many.

Devoting several sentences to character descriptions or Setting in a short story is usually a mistake. You likely hate it if your neighbor tells you about the weather at the elevator, especially when he warns you that it is raining when you wind up in suspenders and together with your own umbrella beneath your arm. Well, the same thing happens on your narrative: Why does it really matter that it was cloudy or that the sun was shining?

That information extends to novels. For frills, it is advised that everything narrated should play a role in the story. The external physiological descriptions, the review of all the protagonists' clothes, the section of the time in each chapter... sleeping the reader and, don't doubt it, the jury of the search engine optimization competition.

5. A bad Improvement

Then there are the participants that have very internalized The first shocking term, however, they're unable to maintain the level throughout the rest of the text. You can see that they had a good narrative, but they did not understand how to let it. Too bad.

As Vicente Marco stated in the interview I did, "sometimes the best idea is the way to tell the story. The most original debate from the world is useless if you do not fancy the plot well. My recommendation is that you don't attempt to become a breaker if you have not mastered the fundamental resources yet. A normal well-told story will be more interesting to the jury than a very original one that is badly developed. The jury is not going to evaluate your good intentions, but the last result.

Additionally, there Are people who believe that a Brief story is to Summarize a longer narrative or tell an anecdote, so their text lacks story tension. Or the participants who recreate themselves in reflections without any narrative as a common thread. In all these cases, the problem is that they have not understood that stories and micro stories have to have their own thing: they aren't the SEO Contest uWelcome2019 younger brothers of a novel nor a couple of beautiful and profound phrases. They need to tell a whole story in a few words, and that's where the complication is different.

6. Failed end

The terrible thing about a good start and a Fantastic development is That if the end is not up to the task, it disappoints. Only those who make the three components attractive can win the prize.

What errors do novice writers frequently make at the end of Their stories?

Explain the story: Yes, even more than one does. That denotes Insecurity on the part of the author, who wishes to make it crystal clear that his story had a thickness that, possibly, the jury has not managed to see. At this point, the jury can respond in two ways: when they had known the complexity of the narrative, they will ask them to describe it to them, along with the participant will lose many points, or even all them; and if they had not seen it for themselves (and, nevertheless, it is likely they would have liked the story)they will realise that the writer didn't understand how to transmit the thoughts he had been trying to convey... and they will also subtract points from it.

Conclusion: never explain the end, make an effort to be clear throughout the text. Or leave doors open for every reader to believe what they want, which is much more suggestive.

Recurring into the joke: You already have to perform it nicely To make it funny. The double meanings are extremely popular. What did it seem like you were talking about your girlfriend, but you were speaking to your car? Well, that's not surprising anymore, in actuality, it is possible to see it coming from afar. A narrative that's reduced to the last joke is easily forgotten, it will never stay in the mind of the prosecution, after dozens and dozens of stories read.

Sentimentalism: Occasionally it works, however, from my standpoint View, a brief story doesn't give time to produce the necessary atmosphere to Move with a last twist that touches the fiber. It's dangerous, or even If you opt for this type Of narrative, everything has to be very measured so as to not trigger the opposite Effect: instead of stirring, repelling.

Not known Facts About

Just supplying you with fellas a heads up on what to expect on queries With all the text isulong and seoph and coming from destinations mostly in the Philippines and destinations all over the world with substantial concentrations of Filipinos.

Why would you want to squander your time and energy currently being over a back links site that no-one reads anyway? I’d have a connection that google never sees, but sends me ten specific readers / working day in excess of a website link over a PR9 Web site’s link webpage anyday.

You must participate with a site you individual. Don’t do Strange things to me! Domains like blogspot and things such as that are not allowed. Both of those aged and newly created domains can participate.

This is often beginning to be a tiny bit major, but I've to maintain crafting since the aim is to succeed in no less than 700 words and phrases so this landing web site is ok to rank effortlessly After i begin to make my SEO strategies :P Uff, this composing for creating is tedious, huh? But there’s not Considerably still left ;)


3] Inside the very very first thirty day period from the start of my site, I purchased a backlink [month to month fee] in my naevity, considering I'd get readers from it, and not even figuring out about Search engine optimization at time.

Also, don’t overlook to accomplish squats, lunges, energy cleans, thrust-ups, shoulder press and box jumps to help you physically also. For Search engine marketing although, make sure to provide your total experience and Finding out talents to quickly research what you intend to accomplish And exactly how you will be setting up on to obtain it.

Ruben Alonso, accomplishing a 301 from your post with which I participated that I experienced at the end by third web site.

Search engine optimisation is above all a planet of passion and this enthusiasm feels during the Search engine marketing contests the Search engine marketing community organizes routinely.

Contests are an excellent possibility for all consultants in referencing France and elsewhere to test new methods, verify or advise assumptions in a very aggressive universe without having taking any threats simply because we Participate in with web-sites designed for the Competitors.

It truly illustrates reminds me how search engines like yahoo have taken around. It used to be The task of the search engines to determine what is vital.

To the point, I have requested my subscribers for assistance in the article itself and two mailings in this way:

And simultaneously a Finding out experience… We are not making use of any black / gray hat procedures and chose to move it up within the advertising and marketing realm by utilizing the platform that Website positioning is Sexy

This url in all probability has hardly any search engine assist, however it does send out me countless remarkably focused people daily.

In this article, we evaluate the choice process of the Inventive workforce for picking out the legendary title that can form a era of SEOs.

A relevância dos bancos de fotos para o seu resenha

Os bancos de fotos são primordiais para o marketing de sua marca, firma ou blog. Você quer dar uma boa imagem e namorar seu assinante de vista, certo?

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Então, você necessita de um conteúdo que seja muito original e faça você se destacar sobre da competência.

Um conteúdo visual bem trabalhado é essencial para determinar a imagem da sua sociedade ou negócio. Fundos, infográficos ajudam as marcas a criar uma identidade visual em torno delas, permitindo ao usuário reconhecê-las e diferenciá-las da concorrência.

Assim, existem diferentes bancos de imagens no mercado, tanto gratuitos quanto pagos, onde você conseguira, com toda a segurança, o suporte magistral para reforçar sua imagem de marca.

Portanto, se você precisar de fotografias profissionais, mas não tiver recursos para investir em um fotógrafo, recomendo que continue lendo, pois lhe direi vários detalhes importantes sobre os diferentes bancos de fotos existentes.

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O que é um banco de fotografias?

Um banco de fotos é um site onde você pode comprar e baixar fotos sem direitos ou com a capacidade de uso não comercial para usar em seus blogs, o design do seu website, suas criatividades em redes sociais e, claro, a imagen do seu site.

Como eu disse, existem bancos de fotografias de dois tipos: gratuitos e pagos. Os últimos usualmente trabalham com taxas ou assinaturas diferentes, ou seja, você pode fazer o download de um determinado número de fotografias, dependendo do plano contratado. No situação dos gratuitos, seu número de downloads é geralmente indeterminado, embora a qualidade de seu material não seja tão alta quanto a de um banco de pagamento, algo que deve ser destacado.

Em relação aos capacidades das fotografias, o mais comum é encontrá-las com alguns opções: pequena, média, grande, para web ou vetores (em .psd ou .ai), que lhe permitirão trabucar com elas de acordo com as exigências que tenha.

Outro ponto importante a ser observado é o formato do material que você pode baixar em um banco de fotografias. Usualmente, além disso, eles também tendem a oferecer outros recursos, como gifs, ícones ou brindes.


Como aprestar uma fotografia para pesar pouco e você pode enviá-la para um boletim informativo

Ao laborar nas imagens do seu site ou blog e também quando você as inclui em seu boletim informativo, eu sempre recomendo fazê-lo com fotos de ótima qualidade. Lembre-se que as imagens são um recurso que ajuda você a chamar a atenção do usuário que visita seu site e o que você está lutando é deixar uma marca na sua pensamento.


Nesse ponto de vista, a melhor opção é usar fotografias de alta qualidade, mas a grande inconveniência é o tamanho e o tempo que gastam no momento em que são carregados.


Portanto, você deve planear suas imagens antes de enviá-las ao seu site e ao seu resenha, com o objetivo de comprimir seu tamanho e, ao mesmo tempo, conservar sua qualidade.

How to Select a Domain Name ?

What is a domain name?

Wikipedia tells us: "An Internet domain name is an identification network related to a group of computers or devices connected to the Internet network", and you will say, this seems to me like Chinese. To make you understand it better, I'm likely to use a simile that is going to be very illustrative.

Imagine that the domain is the home in which you live as a tenant, in reality it is as if it had been yours since it's filled with your laundry, your adornments, your utensils, your memories... but as you live in it you have to pay a rent to its proprietor in turn takes care of different things like paying the neighborhood charge. Additionally, your home is located in a speech and also to identify it has also, and at times a few a letter.

Well, the domain is the same. We determine what title to give it, which are the home number. We pick the server where we'll host it, which are the house's owner. We are assigned a DNS, which would be the home address by this machine. We pay a fee to the host, which would be the house's lease. The machine takes care of the security of our data, as well as the house's owner pays the neighborhood charge. And finally we chose what to include in our domain: a site, a corporate website, images, etc., that would do the purpose of the adornments, utensils or clothing we mentioned previously. We see it clearly

Another aspect to keep in mind is that each and every time you register a domain you need to include data which will later appear in WHOIS, your name, postal address, e-mail and phone. This is a requirement established by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and can be found here. If you have a website and want to understand how your data is displayed or you're simply interested, you can consult with your WHOIS here.

If you don't want your data to be visible to everyone if you are a private person and use your home address, there is the possibility of concealing this info. To conceal it consult the business where you have registered your domain, if they do not have this support you could always search for options. Remember that the book of data is forbidden and its non-compliance might cause the cancellation of your domain name.

Which domain do I select for my website?

This is another of the doubts that arise when we decide to begin an internet business, on the other hand, and on the 1 hand we have trouble deciding which name to choose. com,. es,. Net, etc.. .

In Terms of the name, my recommendations will be as follows:

Make it easy to type

That it's not too long

Make it easy to remember

Can I include the keyword? I advise you to use it if you don't place it until the points, although it can help you with positioning. Nowadays there are many elements that we have to work to make our website therefore it is better to highlight them than to use a domain name that's tricky to keep in mind or complicated to write.

Regarding the Sort of domain, it is advisable to take into account the following points:

Termination. Com is used worldwide and is simple to remember. It's certainly the best choice.

If your website Will be focused on a single country, register the domain:

Spain -. es | France -. fr | Italy -. it | Germany -. P

You may also register, if it's a non-profit organization. Org, for example Wikipedia. org.

Register domains as you can, so you buy them before you do and don't risk competition.

What is web or hosting hosting?

In accordance with Wikipedia "is the service that provides Internet users a system to store information, images, video, or any content accessible via the net.

Continuing with the comparison if the domain name does house functions can do the town work. In it we can drive with the car, but we pay a flow tax, we could throw the garbage away, but we pay a charge for the collection of trash, we could go to the municipal sports centre, but we pay an annual charge, etc.. .

If we employ a agency, something similar happens, inside we could host from a web page to a database, but for that we must pay an annual fee. The amount will vary depending on the sort of lodging, i. e. the services domains

Which type of hosting do I choose for my online business?

Shared server:

It's the ideal alternative if you're just beginning, since it's the cheapest and you have time to hire a superior option once your internet business starts getting more hits. As its title suggests, the host is shared with more clients.

Dedicated server:

In this event all server resources are utilized by precisely the exact same client, which is why their price is significantly their performance. By way of example, it has the extra bonus that you get more speed and can adapt it to your needs.

Cloud Computing:

This choice uses servers which don't need upgrades. Its main advantage is its scalability, you pay for what you use, so you pay more come back to normal, if through a certain period of time you need more resources.

How can I contract domain name and web hosting?

Once you have chosen the domain name and extension, in addition to the kind of hosting you want to hire, start searching for the company that best suits your needs. Consider the services, although not only look at the price provided and the support available.

For my own part, I can tell you that I am using SHOPIFY for my own project and when I have in advance, and the truth is that I'm very happy. They've got good and quick support, the interface is intuitive and I have not had any issues with the 32, though I use the cheapest version of your shared server. If you are encouraged to contract it if you do below you receive a 30% discount.

And so far today's post, I'm waiting for you in the comments area where I'd like you to share doubts, your own experience or recommendations about domain registration and hosting hiring.

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And this Amazon alliance now enhances Shopify's existing partnership with Facebook ( FB - Free Report ) After the close of the third quarter, the company announced the integration of Shopify within Facebook Messenger to enable merchants to sell their products. The stock market is willing to pay for Shopify's earnings , growth and assets is considered , and whether this is a fair price. Personally Shopify is basically suitable to sellers who are likely to be promoting their goods, require flexibility in terms of customization alternatives, and generally need a 'one-stop-shop' Shopify Stock Market in relation to functionality with their webstore.

A web-based comparison shopping service that assists customers make educated purchase decisions by enabling them to get the items they're searching for, compare products, costs and merchants, and acquire from among the thousands of online merchants. This particular activity poses a smaller risk to Shopify's reputation than you may assume because, in contrast to Amazon and EBay, the Canadian firm isn't a central marketplace where online sellers can hang a shingle. The firm's year-over-year revenue growth demonstrated that Shopify's omni-channel software is getting usage.

Share prices of Ottawa-based Shopify Inc., are steady and have a tendency to rise on the stockmarket. I also like the relatively long-term history and established client and developer base using Shop's basic foundation (Shopify has been around for more than a decade), and I like the scalability of some of Shopify's services (like the payments processing, which gives them more exposure to the expansion of their greatest clients), I would get big bets on the stock with this valuation… probabilities seem pretty good, given the small size and the different analyst expectations and high level of interest SHOP has received lately (especially right after announcing their superior integration with Amazon a few months ago ), that there is going to be large stumbling points when harder to purchase the stock, and that's possibly the smartest time to get on board if you otherwise really like the story. Shopify is indeed a new founder-led software business that sells e-commerce and business management software, equally to small business owners and to large companies which have virtual stores as a side business (like the Bud Shop, where you can pick-up your Budweiser flannel shirt or cowboy hat).