How to Select a Domain Name ?

What is a domain name?

Wikipedia tells us: "An Internet domain name is an identification network related to a group of computers or devices connected to the Internet network", and you will say, this seems to me like Chinese. To make you understand it better, I'm likely to use a simile that is going to be very illustrative.

Imagine that the domain is the home in which you live as a tenant, in reality it is as if it had been yours since it's filled with your laundry, your adornments, your utensils, your memories... but as you live in it you have to pay a rent to its proprietor in turn takes care of different things like paying the neighborhood charge. Additionally, your home is located in a speech and also to identify it has also, and at times a few a letter.

Well, the domain is the same. We determine what title to give it, which are the home number. We pick the server where we'll host it, which are the house's owner. We are assigned a DNS, which would be the home address by this machine. We pay a fee to the host, which would be the house's lease. The machine takes care of the security of our data, as well as the house's owner pays the neighborhood charge. And finally we chose what to include in our domain: a site, a corporate website, images, etc., that would do the purpose of the adornments, utensils or clothing we mentioned previously. We see it clearly

Another aspect to keep in mind is that each and every time you register a domain you need to include data which will later appear in WHOIS, your name, postal address, e-mail and phone. This is a requirement established by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and can be found here. If you have a website and want to understand how your data is displayed or you're simply interested, you can consult with your WHOIS here.

If you don't want your data to be visible to everyone if you are a private person and use your home address, there is the possibility of concealing this info. To conceal it consult the business where you have registered your domain, if they do not have this support you could always search for options. Remember that the book of data is forbidden and its non-compliance might cause the cancellation of your domain name.

Which domain do I select for my website?

This is another of the doubts that arise when we decide to begin an internet business, on the other hand, and on the 1 hand we have trouble deciding which name to choose. com,. es,. Net, etc.. .

In Terms of the name, my recommendations will be as follows:

Make it easy to type

That it's not too long

Make it easy to remember

Can I include the keyword? I advise you to use it if you don't place it until the points, although it can help you with positioning. Nowadays there are many elements that we have to work to make our website therefore it is better to highlight them than to use a domain name that's tricky to keep in mind or complicated to write.

Regarding the Sort of domain, it is advisable to take into account the following points:

Termination. Com is used worldwide and is simple to remember. It's certainly the best choice.

If your website Will be focused on a single country, register the domain:

Spain -. es | France -. fr | Italy -. it | Germany -. P

You may also register, if it's a non-profit organization. Org, for example Wikipedia. org.

Register domains as you can, so you buy them before you do and don't risk competition.

What is web or hosting hosting?

In accordance with Wikipedia "is the service that provides Internet users a system to store information, images, video, or any content accessible via the net.

Continuing with the comparison if the domain name does house functions can do the town work. In it we can drive with the car, but we pay a flow tax, we could throw the garbage away, but we pay a charge for the collection of trash, we could go to the municipal sports centre, but we pay an annual charge, etc.. .

If we employ a agency, something similar happens, inside we could host from a web page to a database, but for that we must pay an annual fee. The amount will vary depending on the sort of lodging, i. e. the services domains

Which type of hosting do I choose for my online business?

Shared server:

It's the ideal alternative if you're just beginning, since it's the cheapest and you have time to hire a superior option once your internet business starts getting more hits. As its title suggests, the host is shared with more clients.

Dedicated server:

In this event all server resources are utilized by precisely the exact same client, which is why their price is significantly their performance. By way of example, it has the extra bonus that you get more speed and can adapt it to your needs.

Cloud Computing:

This choice uses servers which don't need upgrades. Its main advantage is its scalability, you pay for what you use, so you pay more come back to normal, if through a certain period of time you need more resources.

How can I contract domain name and web hosting?

Once you have chosen the domain name and extension, in addition to the kind of hosting you want to hire, start searching for the company that best suits your needs. Consider the services, although not only look at the price provided and the support available.

For my own part, I can tell you that I am using SHOPIFY for my own project and when I have in advance, and the truth is that I'm very happy. They've got good and quick support, the interface is intuitive and I have not had any issues with the 32, though I use the cheapest version of your shared server. If you are encouraged to contract it if you do below you receive a 30% discount.

And so far today's post, I'm waiting for you in the comments area where I'd like you to share doubts, your own experience or recommendations about domain registration and hosting hiring.

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