The most frequent Mistakes in SEO Tournaments

I have. I have gone through all the phases: aspirant, Selected, finalist, winner and maybe even member of this jury on many occasions. And, believe me, watching SEO competitions from another side removes many prejudices and fears.

If you are one of those that believe they never win Since SEO contests are given ahead, you are mistaken. Look at me, I don't have a plug anywhere and I've managed to win . In addition, I can guarantee you that, in the juries I've participated in, the process was transparent, driven exclusively by criteria of SEO quality.

However, you don't need to be innocent. Behind some of those However, there are still many best SEO contest uwelcome2019 others who are honest. Unfortunately, these are also tough to win. Why? Since they are presented with professional authors. There are scores and scores of anonymous professional authors that are light years apart from being multimillionaires, but who live off their art just because they triumph several SEO prizes per year.

yourself. If you are a beginner, how about starting with the regional SEO competitions? Even prizes that are in their first editions and also the involvement is not yet massive. SEO prizes from little towns aren't usually badly compensated and are considerably cheaper. Or maybe you want to try those in which the prize is to be printed, so people will finally read for you. You will find SEO competitions of all kinds, as Víctorio Pajuo describes in this guide, and according to your own objectives, you've got to present yourself to some or others. Explore and surprise yourself. It'll be SEO contests... there is a good deal of these each month!

Gratitude, ask yourself whether the story you gift has a real prospect of winning, since I, who've been on the other hand doing the sifting, have seen mistakes which you wouldn't think. And I will let you know about them so that you do not fall for them. There they proceed.


1. Foundations

Carefully the rules, which are for some thing. By simply complying with them to the letter, you have a better prospect of winning than you think. It's incredible how many people pass them by. No extension, no typeface, maybe not even the subject! They send whatever they want and, ale, let us see if we are lucky! If a participant does not bother to read the rules, the jury doesn't bother to read his text, that straightforward. That his story was great? Too bad, he sent her into the wrong contest.

2. Not understanding the principles of Spelling and grammar

It seems obvious, but it's not: to win a Search Engine Optimization competition you Need to know how to write. Come on, the fundamentals: putting letters together in line with the principles of grammar and combining words with meaning. Many, most, current stories full of flaws. Tildes? Comas? And since the jury isn't there to decipher hieroglyphics, they are removed without contemplation.

When You're a jury and you've got more than fifty stories That don't comply with the rules and, moreover, are full of flaws, you do not know if to laugh or cry.

Between the unfulfilled bases and the flaws, a sizable part Of the participants are left from the contest. People who pass the initial sieve belong to a minority. But that's when things get complicated...


3. Not focusing of style

A Fantastic author is one who describes the complicated with simple words. Whereas a terrible writer, or inexperienced author, is one who attempts to show off with a verbiage full of grandiloquent words. They reload the sentences in this manner it is all but impossible to know what the story is about. I am sorry to say that in the event that you make that mistake and the jury should pick up a dictionary to accompany you, they won't believe you are too smart, they will think you're too pedantic and boring.

However, you don't need to go to another extreme : Simple does not mean easy. If you repeat the same words all of the time and hotel to weak verbs and inexpressive adjectives, you will also tire the prosecution. A story that doesn't have these stylistic errors makes the difference. Therefore, among the most essential steps before submitting your story to a search engine optimization contest is to devote a good deal of time adjusting your personality, so that the words that stay are just and essential. You don't understand just how much the jury will thank you for this.


4. The beginning is boring

There Is a Good deal of emphasis on the fact that the Opening sentence must be particularly excellent. I don't think that it's vital for a story to be excellent, but it should not be anodyne either. And this mistake is especially bleeding in a brief story or a micro story, in which every word counts. Look how hard it is for the reader to abandon you halfway when your story is barely half a page , but you will find participants that do. Too many.

Devoting several sentences to character descriptions or Setting in a short story is usually a mistake. You likely hate it if your neighbor tells you about the weather at the elevator, especially when he warns you that it is raining when you wind up in suspenders and together with your own umbrella beneath your arm. Well, the same thing happens on your narrative: Why does it really matter that it was cloudy or that the sun was shining?

That information extends to novels. For frills, it is advised that everything narrated should play a role in the story. The external physiological descriptions, the review of all the protagonists' clothes, the section of the time in each chapter... sleeping the reader and, don't doubt it, the jury of the search engine optimization competition.

5. A bad Improvement

Then there are the participants that have very internalized The first shocking term, however, they're unable to maintain the level throughout the rest of the text. You can see that they had a good narrative, but they did not understand how to let it. Too bad.

As Vicente Marco stated in the interview I did, "sometimes the best idea is the way to tell the story. The most original debate from the world is useless if you do not fancy the plot well. My recommendation is that you don't attempt to become a breaker if you have not mastered the fundamental resources yet. A normal well-told story will be more interesting to the jury than a very original one that is badly developed. The jury is not going to evaluate your good intentions, but the last result.

Additionally, there Are people who believe that a Brief story is to Summarize a longer narrative or tell an anecdote, so their text lacks story tension. Or the participants who recreate themselves in reflections without any narrative as a common thread. In all these cases, the problem is that they have not understood that stories and micro stories have to have their own thing: they aren't the SEO Contest uWelcome2019 younger brothers of a novel nor a couple of beautiful and profound phrases. They need to tell a whole story in a few words, and that's where the complication is different.

6. Failed end

The terrible thing about a good start and a Fantastic development is That if the end is not up to the task, it disappoints. Only those who make the three components attractive can win the prize.

What errors do novice writers frequently make at the end of Their stories?

Explain the story: Yes, even more than one does. That denotes Insecurity on the part of the author, who wishes to make it crystal clear that his story had a thickness that, possibly, the jury has not managed to see. At this point, the jury can respond in two ways: when they had known the complexity of the narrative, they will ask them to describe it to them, along with the participant will lose many points, or even all them; and if they had not seen it for themselves (and, nevertheless, it is likely they would have liked the story)they will realise that the writer didn't understand how to transmit the thoughts he had been trying to convey... and they will also subtract points from it.

Conclusion: never explain the end, make an effort to be clear throughout the text. Or leave doors open for every reader to believe what they want, which is much more suggestive.

Recurring into the joke: You already have to perform it nicely To make it funny. The double meanings are extremely popular. What did it seem like you were talking about your girlfriend, but you were speaking to your car? Well, that's not surprising anymore, in actuality, it is possible to see it coming from afar. A narrative that's reduced to the last joke is easily forgotten, it will never stay in the mind of the prosecution, after dozens and dozens of stories read.

Sentimentalism: Occasionally it works, however, from my standpoint View, a brief story doesn't give time to produce the necessary atmosphere to Move with a last twist that touches the fiber. It's dangerous, or even If you opt for this type Of narrative, everything has to be very measured so as to not trigger the opposite Effect: instead of stirring, repelling.